PRP Records


(56248484^2048+1)/65537 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (334.890000 seconds)
(56422878^2048+1)/65537 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (276.720000 seconds)
(56536364^2048+1)/65537 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (333.100000 seconds)
(56588492^2048+1)/65537 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (329.410000 seconds)
(56678212^2048+1)/65537 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (277.610000 seconds)
(56712548^2048+1)/65537 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (276.100000 seconds)
(56843822^2048+1)/65537 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (272.750000 seconds)
(56969528^2048+1)/65537 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (276.250000 seconds)
(57077150^2048+1)/65537 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (277.020000 seconds)
(57395808^2048+1)/65537 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (326.690000 seconds)

To be completed...

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