PRP Records


(3674392^2048+1)/151553 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (645.830000 seconds)
(3646366^2048+1)/151553 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (648.570000 seconds)
(3567420^2048+1)/151553 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (736.440000 seconds)
(3390856^2048+1)/151553 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (1146.270000 seconds)
(2464438^2048+1)/151553 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (-2006.737296 seconds)
(2356248^2048+1)/151553 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (1609.600000 seconds)
(2273840^2048+1)/151553 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (809.100000 seconds)
(2122356^2048+1)/151553 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (1101.220000 seconds)
(3923640^2048+1)/147457 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (621.720000 seconds)
(3167122^2048+1)/147457 is Fermat and Lucas PRP! (611.550000 seconds)

To be completed...

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