PRP Records


verified by PFGW

This number is likely the second-largest "base 36 minimal prime" as described on

Number of minimal primes in base b for b = 2, 3, 4, ..., 36 are
2, 3, 3, 8, 7, 9, 15, 12, 26, 152, 17, 228, 240, 100, 483, 1279~1280, 50, 3462~3463, 651, 2600~2601, 1242, 6021, 306, 17597~17609, 5662~5664, 17210~17215, 5783~5784, 57283~57297, 220, 79182~79206, 45205~45283, 57676~57709, 56457~56490, 182378~182393, 6296~6297

See for more information.

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